Monday, May 14, 2012

My cousin, Cindy (Apple Cheeks McGillicutty) has been inspiring me for a while to write a blog and, finally, I have the time. Shout out to Cindy!! Now, what to call it...The only thing I can think of is "My Crazy Life" lol...Yeah not a very good title. I'll let that simmer on the back burner for a while.  I am a huge music fan so, from time to time, I may refer to a song or some lyrics that pertain to a particular subject.

So now, where to begin?? There have been so many beginnings for me and likewise, there have been many endings. But, the one beginning that has lasted the longest for me is motherhood. I'm hoping and praying it never ends. Motherhood has definately defined me in so many ways. Being a mother teaches us so many things; some very easy no brainers, some very difficult. We learn to make better choices as a parent (well most of us do anyway)... The biggest thing I have learned as a parent is that of adversity. "When you tackle adversity, and you will, meet it head on. Be grateful for those problems because the alternative is unthinkable." Unknown. To be continued...:)